Internet slang is also known as computer slang, slang terms, acronyms, abbreviations and computer lingo.
"What is it called when letters are substituted for words, i.e., LOL stands for Laugh out loud?"
They are everywhere and they are called 'acronyms'! An acronym was originally a pronounceable word made from the initial letters of other words. For example, NATO for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. As acronyms have invaded our lives more and more we have started to coin other shorthand versions such as TV for Television, USA for United States of America, IOU for I Owe You (a debt), MD for Medical Doctor, or CEO for Chief Executive Officer which are not acronyms in the original sense of being a 'new pronounceable word' made up of the first letters but which we still pull into our bulging bag of acronyms. Acronyms are often used as mnemonics, a device for helping you remember something. You'll often see this sort of usage in training manuals and self-help manuals.
An illustration of this sort of acronym would be one that I found on a quick trawl of the Internet; taking the word 'HOPE' as an acronym for 'Hanging Onto Positive Expectations'. You may remember other similar acronyms from your school days designed to help you remember a spelling rule, historical event or math equation. I remember, for example, ROYGBIV, a mnemonic acronym for remembering the colors of the rainbow - Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet - a pretty senseless sounding acronym but one that has stuck in my mind since I was around seven years old! But where acronyms have really exploded and become a sub-language of their own is through text messaging, the Internet and email where the 'need for speed' has led to the creation of hundreds of new acronyms that are used globally by millions of people. Your example, LOL for 'Laugh Out Loud' is one of the most used of these Internet acronyms. Here is a list of some of the other common Internet acronyms used in emails, SMS and text messaging. Hope it helps, CU!
Extremely Useful Site About Acronyms - slang translator!
Below are some of the latest abbreviations added to this slang translator. Please use the search box or the A-Z index to find a specific slang word.
· DBA | Don't Bother Asking | |
· QAP | Quick As Possible Quickly As Possible |
· VBD | Very Big Deal | |
· FHO | Friends Hanging Out | |
· INCYDK | In Case You Didn't Know | |
· 403 | Deny Access To | |
· SNH | Sarcasm Noted Here | |
· YSVW | You're So Very Welcome | |
· L8TR | Later | |
· GRX | Gracias Merci |
· ULM | You Love me | |
· YGTI | You Get The Idea | |
· TLTR | Too Long To Read |
From site:
Translation: (Haha) oh my god that was seriously for the win (haha) I love you so much and I agree with this completely, not gonna lie.
“JSYK IDGAF TBH that was TMI so just STFU IDC. “
Translation: Just so you know I don’t give a f*ck, to be honest that was too much information so just shut the f*ck up, I don’t care.
Translation:I love you, i miss you, seriously you’re my best friend for life baby.
From site:
Common Acronyms Used in SMS, Text and Internet Chat:
AFAIK | As far as I know |
AFK | Away from keyboard |
AKA | Also known as |
AOL | America Online |
ASAP | As soon as possible |
ASL | Age, sex, location |
ATM | At the moment |
B/C | Because |
B4 | Before |
BBIAB | Be back in a bit |
BBL | Be back later |
BCC | Blind carbon copy |
BF | Boyfriend |
BFF | Best friends forever |
BFN | Bye for now |
BOT | Back on topic |
BRB | Be right back |
BTW | By the way |
CC | Carbon copy |
CTN | Can't talk now |
CU | See you |
CUL | See you later |
CYA | See ya |
CYE | Check your e-mail |
DIY | Do it yourself |
DL | Download |
DW | Don't worry |
EG | Exempli gratia (Latin: For example) |
EOD | End of discussion |
ETA | Estimated time of arrival |
F | Female |
FAQ | Frequently Asked Questions |
FOFL | Falling on the floor laughing |
FUBAR | Fouled up beyond all recognition |
FWIW | For what it's worth |
FYI | For your information |
G2G | Gotta go |
GB | Goodbye |
GF | Girlfriend |
GG | Good game |
GJ | Good job |
GL | Good luck |
GM | Good match |
GR8 | Great |
H/O | Hold on |
HH | Ha-ha |
HOAS | Hold on a second |
HTH | Hope this helps |
IAC | In any case |
IC | I see |
IDK | I don't know |
IE | Id est (Latin: That is) |
IIRC | If I remember correctly |
IK | I know |
IM | Instant Message |
IMHO | In my humble opinion |
IMO | In my opinion |
IOW | In other words |
IRT | In reply to |
J/K | Just kidding |
JC | Just curious |
JK | Just kidding |
K | OK |
KIT | Keep in touch |
KWIM | Know what I mean |
L8 | Late |
L8R | Later |
LMAO | Laughing my a** off |
LOL | Laugh out loud |
M | Male |
MMA | Meet me at |
MMB | Message me back |
MSG | Message |
MYOB | Mind your own business |
N/A | Not Available |
NC | No comment |
NE1 | Anyone |
NM | Not much |
NP | No problem |
NRN | No reply necessary |
NW | No way |
OMG | Oh my gosh |
OT | Off topic |
OTOH | On the other hand |
PDA | Public display of affection |
PHAT | Pretty hot and tempting |
PIR | People in room |
PK | Player Killing |
PLZ | Please |
POS | Parent over shoulder |
PPL | People |
QT | Cutie |
RE | Regarding |
ROFL | Rolling on the floor laughing |
ROTFL | Rolling on the floor laughing |
RPG | Role Playing Game |
RT | Real-time |
RTFM | Read the flippin' manual |
SMH | Shaking my head |
SOS | Someone over shoulder |
SOSO | Same old, same old |
SP? | Spelling? |
STR8 | Straight |
SUP | What's up |
TBC | To be continued |
TBH | To be honest |
TC | Take care |
TGIF | Thank goodness it's Friday |
THX | Thanks |
TIA | Thanks in advance |
TIC | Tongue in cheek |
TISNF | That is so not fair |
TLC | Tender love and care |
TMI | Too much information |
TOH | Typing one-handed |
TTFN | Ta-ta for now |
TTYL | Talk to you later |
TY | Thank you |
U2 | You too |
UR | You are |
VBG | Very big grin |
W/ | With |
W/E | Whatever |
W/O | Without |
W8 | Wait |
WB | Write back (e-mail) |
WOOT | Way out of topic |
WTG | Way to go |
XOXO | Hugs and kisses |
Y | Why |
YRG | You are good |
YW | You're welcome |
ZZZ | Sleeping |
Сленг современных канадских подростков
• The YUTE is dancing. МОЛОДЕЖЬ танцует.
• I love my MAINS. Обожаю моих РОДАКОВ.
• U r CRAY to behave this way! ТЫ БЕЗБАШЕННЫЙ (крейзи), чтобы так себя вести.
• This guy is so DERP. ДЕБИЛЬНО.
• Enjoy life as YOLO (You Only Live Once). Наслаждайся жизнью, поскольку ЖИВЕМ ТОЛЬКО ОДИН РАЗ.
• See you tomorrow, BLESS UP. До завтра, ПРЕВЕД.
В предложении (часть вторая):
• Check out this blazer I found at the thrift store. - SWAG! Зацени этот пиджачок, что я купила в секонде (комиссионке), НАХОДКА!
• Are you heading to this party tonight? - Yeah, I'm REACHING! Ты идешь на пати (вечеринку) сегодня вечером? Да, я ИДУ.
• This film was good. - STYLL. Этот фильм был хороший. Согласен.
• It only took me 30 minutes to finish my work report. - Stop BOOSTING! Я всего за 30 минут сделал доклад на работе. НЕ ПРЕУВЕЛИЧИВАЙ.
• I just spilled coffee all over my white shirt. - Reply: SMH (Shake My Head). (Используется на ФБ, в смсках и другом сиюминутном общении). Я вылил кофе на белую рубашку. Ответ: Качаю Головой.
• Why are you always working? You need to MOSS! Почему ты постоянно работаешь? Тебе надо учиться РАССЛАБЛЯТЬСЯ.
В предложении (часть третья):
• I can't believe he has done it, how RACHET. Я просто не верю, что он это сделал, такой ВЫПЕНДРЕЖНИК.
• Are you reaching her party tomorrow night? - Yeah, but I gotta DIP by 11 p.m. Ты завтра идешь к ней на пати (вечеринку)? Ага, но мне надо УЙТИ в 23 часа.
• I just have done my test, I got HUNDO P (hundred percent)! Только сдал мой экзамен, я получил 100%.
• I hate when my best friend thinks she has to wear all her designer clothes, she keeps FLEXIN'. Не люблю, когда моя подруга думает, что ей надо носить все ее дизайнерские одежки, она постоянно ВЫПЯЧИВАЕТСЯ.
• My older brother can be such a jerk, he's always CHIRPING at me. Мой старший брат может быть таким мерзавцем; он постоянно меня ДОСТАЕТ.
• I just got paid. I'm rolling in SCRILLA. Мне только что дали зарплату, я завален КЭШЕМ (деньгами).
Совершенное знание языка определяется не наличием акцента или его отсутствием, а возможностью общения на этом языке как на своем родном: видеть сны, шутить, понимать различные формы выражения языка, в том числе и неофициальный как молодежный сленг. Удачи и BLESS UP!
From site:
1. Quote - Listen to the quote and guess what the slang means.
1. Definition - Study the definition.
far from where most people live; far away from a city
2. Use - Learn how the slang is used.
Where are you right now? In your home? At school? Because you are using the Internet, you are probably somewhere with other people nearby. But there are many places in the world that are much quieter. Places with no Internet, no cars, and very few people. These places are called the middle of nowhere.
The middle of nowhere describes places on Earth that seem very far away from other people and technology. Do you like camping? If you do, you wouldn’t want to camp right next to your house. You would want to be in the middle of nowhere. Or, if you live in a small town, you might think it is in the middle of nowhere because you would rather live in a big city like New York.
Singer Lorde says that her home country, New Zealand, is in in the middle of nowhere. Even though New Zealand is a big country, it is very far away from the rest of the world. Since Lorde’s favorite music comes from other parts of the world, she thinks New Zealand is in the middle of nowhere.
When is the last time you were in the middle of nowhere? Where were you?
1. Examples - Hear some example sentences.
“My college was in the middle of nowhere. There was no city within 100 miles.”
“We went camping in the middle of nowhere. The stars were amazing.”
“I grew up in the middle of nowhere, so I had to come live in the city.”